Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Helpful Hints
1: ALWAYS SAVE... every second u do something, SAVE IT!
2: Always consult the Russell...
3: DONT USE THE SCALING TOOLS!!!... dont be lazy, just re-do the thing, ull be thankfull in the future...
4:Go simple, then get more complicated
5: If ur movers dissapear, yet are in the game...well...sucked in! coz it happened to me as well :(
6: Patience is a virtue, hence prepare urself for the worst...coz technical difficulties really do stretch your limits... i mean really really...
7: When saving, always change the name, dont use CAPS nor NUMB3RS-shweet show
8: When u first start using the programs, n u have no idea... dont worry, just chill n learn it yea.
9: If u dont like computer games... start liking them.
10: FINALLY NUMBER 10! uuummm...booze... lots n lots of booze once this assignment is finished!! YIIEEWWWW
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Article 1- Rich people artlicles
"We need to be bolder and willing to take bigger risks abroad," Ratan Tata had said to 'The Week' in an interview in May 2005. That was at a time when the Tata group had taken a big leap abroad with acquisitions by Tata Motors and Tata Steel.
Risk-taker's dream
The Week — February 8, 2007
"Tata has a reputation to defend as a living legend in the business world, shrouded in an aura of humility that borders on self-denial."
"Interview with Indian industry mogul, Ratan Tata" from Spiegel Online International.
Carlos Slim
By our calculations, the 67-year-old Slim has amassed a $59 billion fortune, based on the value of his public holdings at the end of July. This number puts him just ahead of perennial No. 1, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, whose net worth is estimated to be at least $58 billion. But Gates is selling off his single greatest source of wealth, Microsoft stock, to fund his foundation, while Slim's fortune is growing at a stunning clip. His net worth jumped $12 billion this year alone. His family's holdings represent more than 5% of Mexico's 2006 gross domestic product, and Slim-controlled companies make up one-third of the $422 billion Mexican Bolsa, or stock exchange.
Zhang Yin
“Make way for the Big Momma of the Billionaires’ Club,” says the Daily Express. The Big Momma in question is Zhang Yin, a 49-year-old paper recycler who has just emerged not only as the richest entrepreneur in China, but also as the wealthiest self-made woman in the world. According to the Hurun Report rich list, Zhang, despite being almost unknown in the wider world, has suddenly arrived at the top of the list with a net worth of $3.4bn. Many of China’s new entrepreneurs keep a low profile, but Zhang is in a class of her own when it comes to elusiveness. “Even her name is the subject of some contention” – she’s known to many as Cheung Yan. Short-haired, simply dressed and slightly stocky, she was ranked 36th on last year’s list, with her leap in fortune being down to the public listing of her firm, Nine Dragons Paper, in Hong Kong in March.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
final pictures

This is my heart of stone, as ive seen tattoo's with the vine around the heart, so i did the same with the ramp.

"There may be much pain and sorrow from failure, yet one must suppress these feelings"
Even though there are many emotions that many of us dont enjoy,we still feel them, so this dark room represents this self conscienceness and pain.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Week 3-finished model without textures
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Link to filefront
Fused quotes
"A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections- a mere heart of stone"
-Charles Darwin
"There is no part of my life, upon which I can look back without pain."
Fused Quote
"Whether one is intellectually outstanding or not so, the emotions that are experienced when discovering something revolutionary are the same. There may be much pain and sorrow from failure, yet one must suppress these feelings...a mere heart of stone"
-The way I think this fused quote relates to my combined cubes, is through the lighting especially in Florence Nightingale's space. Enclosing the light with a desk like figure, allows heavy, bold shadowing, and I believe captures that notion oh emotional pain-Florence's quote, yet in this figure we can also incorporate Darwin's quote, as one must not have any emotions, and keep them all to oneself.
Explaining each individual space to the quote it was based on...
With Nightingale's quote, she has a very sinister look upon her past, incorporating some sort of pain. I interpreted this notion of pain both physical and emotionally. The cut and extrude of the box is meant to portray physical pain, as well as the bar inside the main room (top floor). As for the emotional pain, I tried to capture it in the lighting, where darkness surrounds her, but she was still shining. However, I didn’t really like this sense of pain, so above the bar, I placed blue, as it is my favourite colour :P, lights to signify that there is always hope for a better life later in life, which I also tried to present through the two rooms, one being lit up, the other darker with the light appearing from specific places.